T-minus 72 Hours

So I’ve probably cried at least three times in the past two days because my family is the sweetest. Last night we went to our last KTV and Mama and Mary sang a song to send me off and I ugly cried hardcore. Then I showed Mama what I wrote to the host parents in our yearbook and she ugly cried with me:






or for those whose Chinese isn’t up to par (which no offense is almost all of you):

From all the students at SYA, we would like to thank you for being our home away form home. In some ways, we would have never made it through the year without your love and support. You made each of us a part of your family and we will be eternally grateful.

There will not be a day that goes by, that we don’t miss you.

Much love,

Your 2015 Host Students


I have to say, leaving my family in Beijing is much harder than it was leaving my American family in the beginning of the year. Not because I love my Chinese family more (I’m not going to lie, the amount of love I have for these people is immeasurable), but because there is a chance that I won’t see them again, or at least for a very long time.

I obviously will make it my goal to return to see them or get them out to the States, but nothing is guaranteed and that scares me so much. I’m finding it a little difficult to gather up enough excitement about returning home because of this, but I know that one day in the future we will reunite… and honestly I am so happy to finally see everyone face-to-face and catch up on all that I’ve missed 😀

I give my love to everyone and see y’all soon! ❤

4 thoughts on “T-minus 72 Hours

  1. Madelyn was playing with one of your baby dolls this morning. It is hard to imagine how much you have grown up since I used to get to drive you around in a carseat.


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